The growing movement of community gardens throughout North America is a ray of hope in a frenetic world. It permits city and town dwelling people to reconnect with nature in a fruitful way. The magic of pulling a carrot from the ground has a healing effect for weary souls. Community gardens green up urban areas and create a feeling of community among fellow community gardeners often across ethnic and class lines. It’s a movement wants to encourage and see flourish in America.
The American Community Garden Association offers a data base of community gardens throughout the United States and Canada that can be easily searched:
[]. Why not join a community garden and plant a garden to enjoy food you’ve grown yourself? Besides the pleasure of knowing very directly where your fresh food has come from, you’ll be part of a small community of gardeners helping to green up the world.
In New York State’s Capital Region, where we are based, Capital Roots, formerly known as Capital District Community Gardens sponsors nearly 50 community gardens where hundreds of gardeners dig in the soil of their organic garden plots. It also runs a Produce Project for inner-city teenagers who grow crops and sell produce at a farmers market in Troy, NY. In addition, Capital Roots operates a popular Veggie Mobile which has weekly stops in urban neighborhoods throughout the Capital District where fresh produce is in short supply and makes available to urban dwellers fresh vegetables and fruit and easy recipes like a watermelon, mint and feta salad. Bravo.