Since 1990 the Agricultural Stewardship Association (ASA) has worked to protect the farms, rich soils and agricultural landscape as well as the forests in Washington and Rensselaer counties in upstate New York’s upper Hudson River Valley for future generations. In that time, ASA has managed to conserve over 28,000 acres on 158 properties.
For the last 21 years, a significant source of funding for the organization has come from its Landscapes for Landsake Art Sale and Exhibition, a celebration of the land by our community of local artists. Participating artists generously donate 50% of their proceeds to support ASA’s conservation work.
This year’s exhibition features the work of 61 artists. Approximately 250 works of art will be displayed in the barn at Maple Ridge.
In addition, over 650 works will be available for viewing and purchase on-line. Click here to view the offerings. Many of the artists will be on hand to discuss their work during the in-person event on October 8th and 9th.
The in-person sale opens on Saturday, October 8th from 12 to 5 p.m. in the historic barn at Maple Ridge (172 State Route 372 in Cambridge (Washington County), NY). Admission is $10. On Sunday, October 9th from 12:00PM to 4:00PM, the gallery is open free of charge.
The online sale will be available October 8-31. The website for the sale on-line features elegantly designed collections from each artist, bios, videos and more, accessible from home.
This year’s featured artist is Tracy Helgeson of Cooperstown, NY. Her work is greatly inspired by the landscape, as well as the barns, structures, roads and farm scenes that surround her home.
Tracy Helgeson often paints the same scenes over and over, and said that she derives “great comfort from portraying what is familiar as well as noting the small changes that occur over time in my environment.” Striving for simplicity in her work in color, form, composition, and subject matter, nonetheless complexities find their way in via texture, handwritten elements and small bits of painted details. Her painting, “On Top of the Hill” is highlighted on the posters and postcards promoting this year’s Landscapes for Landsake exhibition.
ASA chose “On Top of the Hill” as the featured work because “it exemplifies the show’s spirit.” Klara Varosy, curator of this year’s show and a resident of Salem (Washington County), NY has spotlighted Helgeson’s “innate ability to take the ordinary and make it feel magical.”
Renee Bouplon, ASA’s Executive Director, explains why Landscapes for Landscapes is so special, beyond the fact that it is the organization’s major fundraiser for the year in support of its mission to protect local farms: “This event celebrates the connection between the art and the landscapes we are working to protect.”
This year’s artists include: Laurie Alberts, Deborah Bayly, Susan Beadle, Gigi Begin, John Begin, Seth Butler, Marilyn Cavallari, Eden Compton Clay, Susan Coon, Huseyin Erdogan, Yucel Erdogan, Janine Gibson, Laurie Goodhart, Tracy Helgeson, Ali Herrmann, Ghetta Hirsch, Conard Holton, Margaret Horn, Carolyn Justice, Tom Kerr, Clarence King, Rose Klebes, Serena Kovalosky, Katie Langford, Matthew Lerman, Pamela Marron, Courtney McCloskey, Naomi Meyer, Sharon Miller, Robert Moylan, Lynne Oddo, Clifford Oliver, Harry Orlyk, Dave Ostrowski, Leslie Parke, Leslie Peck, Joan Piekny, Mark Pohl, Terry Preisner, James Rodewald, Tom Ryan, Melissa Schlobohm, Michael Michael Scupholm, Rita Seiko Payne, Laura Shore, Pam Short, Anne Sutherland, Diane Swanson, Marguerite Takvorian-Holmes, Terry Teitelbaum, Janine Thomas, Mark Tougias, George Van Hook, Hannie Eisma Varosy, Diane Veros, Frank Vurraro, Catherine Wagner Minnery, Takeyce Walter, Regina Wickham, Ken Wilson and Gregory Wing.
This supporter of the Agricultural Stewardship Association is pleased that all of the artists, whose artwork illustrates this post (Mark Tougias, Robert Moylan, Takeyce Walter, Laura Shore and Deborah Bayly), are participating in this year’s Landscapes for Landsake exhibition this coming weekend.
Artwork included in the virtual show, up until the end of October, may be searched by the (i) name of the artist, (ii) by medium, (iii) by size, (iv) by themes and (v) at the price point of $500 and under.
Enjoy the show (available on-line, beginning Saturday, October 8th): https://www.landscapesforlandsake.com/
(Frank W. Barrie, October 4, 2022)